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Examples of Empathy in Business

Writer's picture: Isabela IngridIsabela Ingrid

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Examples of Empathy in Business

Why is empathy important in business?

In a previous post, we emphasized the importance and power of empathy in the workplace with regard to your marketing strategy.

In this post, we'll dive deeper into the benefits of improving empathy in business. Specifically, we'll explore:

  • Why your entire organization should embrace empathy in the workplace as a favorable company culture

  • How your actions can encourage empathy in business, promoting a workplace environment in which employees feel comfortable

  • What makes empathy important for cultivating positive relationships with customers through active listening

Understanding Impersonal Interaction

Examples of Empathy in Business - Understanding Impersonal Interaction

It's important to get to know your customers before implementing significant marketing and communication efforts. This is because initial assumptions are often incorrect with regard to customer wants/needs, as well as how to effectively communicate with them.

This is especially true with marketing and communication efforts of a digital nature. After all, with the ubiquity of technology, we tend to forget we're still interacting with human beings that want personal connections.

Even basic technology allows for efficient workplace communication, with “salesy” messages simply being copied, pasted, and sent to potential customers.

Is this generic approach actually effective? If you've tried it, have the results left much to be desired?

People don’t want to be treated like machines. People want to be treated like human beings. Accordingly, generic messages won’t be nearly as effective as personalized ones.

How can we craft personal messaging that reflects empathy in the workplace?

Understanding Personal Interaction

Examples of Empathy in Business - Understanding Personal Interaction

Let's say you're out shopping for the 'perfect' t-shirt in a department store that's relatively busy. You've tried on a few but aren't quite finding what you're seeking, so you ask an employee for assistance.

At that moment, you've separated yourself from the large group of shoppers while standing out as an individual. You then tell the employee what you’re seeking and why you haven't had luck with the t-shirts you've already tried on.

This interpersonal exchange has allowed for clear communication about your preferred style, color, and size. Accordingly, by simply listening to the customer's needs, the employee will suggest something accordingly. This scenario illustrates the importance of personal interaction for businesses to reach audiences efficiently and effectively.

Accepting Business Limitations

A business simply won't be right for everyone, which is perfectly fine.

Incorrect messaging about offered products/services will frustrate prospective customers and waste your time while negatively impacting the reputation of your organization.

Instead, stick to your offerings as they are, without reshaping them to try and appease prospective customers.

By accepting that your business isn't for everyone, you’ll save time and effort while gaining authentic credibility that current and prospective customers will surely appreciate.

Offer your business products/services the right way.

Communicating With Empathy In the Workplace

Examples of Empathy in Business - Communicating With Empathy In the Workplace

This infographic illustrates 'don't vs. do' in marketing for yoga pants.

Once you understand what your customers are aiming to achieve through your products/services, you can switch your communication approach from 'business' to 'customer'.

In other words, instead of talking about the general benefits of your business offerings, you’ll specifically explain HOW you'll solve their problems and satisfy their needs.

The more specific the message, the better. Also, you're encouraged to use storytelling while sharing real-life examples, with which your customers will identify. Such empathetic communication will allow you to build a strong bond with your audience.

Communicating With Empathy In Business On the First Try

Examples of Empathy in Business - Communicating With Empathy In Business On the First Try

Workplace mistakes are okay as long as we learn from them and improve ourselves. However, if something can be done correctly the first time, this will save much time and effort thereafter.

There are steps you can take to ensure effective marketing communication:

  1. Thoroughly understand the products/service you’re offering

  2. Know where/how to find your target customers

  3. Learn about your target customers and their needs

  4. Communicate with empathy in business while building strong bonds with customers

  5. Establish and implement a detailed interpersonal communication culture

People want to feel heard.

People want to feel respected.

People want to feel empathy.

Digithy Is Here To Help!

Are you seeking assistance updating your marketing communication strategy?

Whether you’re in the early stages of your business or you’ve been around for a while, we're here to help!

Schedule a free consultation, during which we'll suggest the best approaches and next steps for your business.

In future blog posts, we’ll dive deeper into the concept of empathy in business with regard to your website, content, and advertising.


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